
  • 4th September 2012

Monkey patching document.write()

This is one of the crazier workarounds that I have implemented. I was working on a web page that embeds third-party widgets. The widgets are drawn in the page document - they do not get their own frames. And sometimes the widgets are redrawn after page load. We had a problem with one widget invoking document.write(). In case you are not familiar with it, if that method is called while the page is rendering it inserts content into the DOM immediately after the script tag in which the call is made. But if document.write() is called after page rendering is complete it erases the entire DOM. When this widget was redrawn after page load it would kill the whole page. …

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  • 28th July 2011

How Mobile Safari emulates mouse events


When you are adapting web apps to touchscreen devices particular challenges come up around events like mouseover and mouseout. Touchscreen devices like the iPad do not have a cursor, so the user cannot exactly move the mouse over an HTML element. However, Mobile Safari, the web browser that comes with the iPhone and iPad, has a fallback for websites that require hovering or cursor movement. …

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